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I'm a Jack-of-Some-Trades Developer with expertise in Backend Dev & Data Science. Here are some examples of personal projects I've completed, roughly in order of significance

A simple webapp to predict reddit users' political leanings on the political compass. Built with Python & Flask & Scikit-Learn. The model architecture is just a multi output Random Forest regressor.


A simple flyer game, written in Rust, which is compiled to Web Assembly and playable in the browser.


A cellula automata inspired simulation, written in Rust, which is compiled to Web Assembly and viewable in the browser.


A fork of a popular library used to manipulate Minecraft's .mca save file format in Python. The maintainer abandoned the project in 2021 so my goal was to create a fork which supports newer .mca file formats from newer Minecraft versions.


The scripts used to make a popular reddit post about data visualization.